#include <M5Core2.h> #include <WiFi.h> #include "Mailer.h" const char* smtp_username = "username"; const char* smtp_password = "password"; const char* smtp_from_address = "user@yahoo.co.jp"; const int smtp_port = 465; const char* smtp_hostname = "smtp.mail.yahoo.co.jp"; const char* to_address = "user@gmail.com"; const char* subject = "From M5stack"; const char* content = "Hello, this is M5stack Core2."; Mailer mail(smtp_username, smtp_password, smtp_from_address, smtp_port, smtp_hostname); void setup() { String config_ini; String ssid; String password; unsigned short ausIdx = 0; /* 初期化 */ M5.begin(); /* SD初期化 */ SD.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); delay(10); /* 文字サイズを変更 */ M5.Lcd.setTextSize(1); /* ファイルオープン */ File datFile = SD.open("/set/config.ini"); if( datFile ) { M5.Lcd.println("File open successful"); Serial.println("File open successful"); /* サイズ分ループ */ while( datFile.available() ) { config_ini = config_ini + datFile.readString(); } /* ファイルクローズ */ datFile.close(); } else { M5.Lcd.println("File open error hello.txt"); } /* SSID取得 */ config_ini = config_ini.substring(config_ini.indexOf("#SSID\r\n") + 7); ssid = config_ini.substring(0, config_ini.indexOf("\r\n")); /* パスワード取得 */ config_ini = config_ini.substring(config_ini.indexOf("#SSID_PASS\r\n") + 12); password = config_ini.substring(0, config_ini.indexOf("\r\n")); /* connect to WiFi */ M5.Lcd.print("Connecting to YOUR_SSID "); Serial.println("Connecting to YOUR_SSID "); /* wifi初期化 */ WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), password.c_str()); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); M5.Lcd.print("."); } M5.Lcd.println(" CONNECTED"); Serial.println(" CONNECTED"); /* disconnect WiFi as it's no longer needed */ // WiFi.disconnect(true); // WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); mail.send(to_address, subject, content); } void loop() { delay(10000); }
/* ESP32 E-mail Library Author: kerikun11 (Github: kerikun11) Date: 2017.04.08 */ #pragma once #include <ssl_client.h> #include <WiFiClientSecure.h> #include <base64.h> const char* yahoo_root_ca= \ "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" \ ここに証明書の内容 "-----END CERTIFICATE----- \n"; class Mailer { public: Mailer(const char* username, const char* password, const char* from_address, const int smtp_port = 465, const char* smtp_hostname = "smtp.mail.yahoo.co.jp"): username(username), password(password), from_address(from_address), smtp_port(smtp_port), smtp_hostname(smtp_hostname) {} bool send(const String& to_address, const String& subject, const String& content) { WiFiClientSecure client; client.setCACert(yahoo_root_ca); /* ここで証明書の設定 */ Serial.printf("Connecting to %s\n", smtp_hostname); if (!client.connect(smtp_hostname, smtp_port)) { Serial.println("Could not connect to mail server"); return false; } if (!readResponse(client, "220")) { Serial.println("Connection Error"); return false; } client.println("HELO friend"); if (!readResponse(client, "250")) { Serial.println("identification error"); return false; } client.println("AUTH LOGIN"); if (!readResponse(client, "334")) { Serial.println("AUTH LOGIN failed"); return false; } client.println(base64::encode(username)); if (!readResponse(client, "334")) { Serial.println("AUTH LOGIN failed"); return false; } client.println(base64::encode(password)); if (!readResponse(client, "235")) { Serial.println("SMTP AUTH error"); return false; } client.println("MAIL FROM: <" + String(from_address) + '>'); if (!readResponse(client, "250")) { Serial.println("MAIL FROM failed"); return false; } client.println("RCPT TO: <" + to_address + '>'); if (!readResponse(client, "250")) { Serial.println("RCPT TO failed"); return false; } client.println("DATA"); if (!readResponse(client, "354")) { Serial.println("SMTP DATA error"); return false; } client.println("From: <" + String(from_address) + ">"); delay(100); client.println("To: <" + to_address + ">"); delay(100); client.println("Subject: " + subject); delay(100); client.println("Mime-Version: 1.0"); delay(100); client.println("Content-Type: text/html"); delay(100); client.println(); delay(100); client.println(content); delay(100); client.println("."); if (!readResponse(client, "250")) { Serial.println("Sending message error"); return false; } client.println("QUIT"); if (!readResponse(client, "221")) { Serial.println("QUIT failed"); return false; } Serial.println("Sending E-mail Successful"); return true; } private: const char* username; const char* password; const char* from_address; const int smtp_port; const char* smtp_hostname; bool readResponse(WiFiClientSecure &client, const String &target, uint32_t timeout_ms = 10000) { uint32_t timeStamp = millis(); while (1) { if (client.available()) break; if (millis() > timeStamp + timeout_ms) { Serial.println("SMTP Response TIMEOUT!"); return false; } delay(1); } String res = client.readStringUntil('\n'); res.trim(); Serial.printf("Response: %s\n", res.c_str()); if (target != "" && res.indexOf(target) == -1) return false; return true; } };
「Yahoo! JAPAN公式サービス以外からのアクセスも有効にする」を選択し、「IMAP」「POP」「SMTP」を全て「有効にする」を選択します。
SMTPだけ有効にすると「Yahoo! JAPAN公式サービスを利用したアクセスのみ有効にする」が適用されてしまうみたいです。